Key Points for New Mold Test

About new mold test

1. Test steps

A. Before testing the mold, check whether the mold is assembled and whether the raw materials are dried.

B. Before changing the mold, spray the mold with anti-rust agent. Then, replace the mold and return to its position. Finally, fill in the record form.

C. When loading the mold, align the center point of the mold. Then set up the mold. Lock the mold and check whether the high-pressure clamping is effective. The clamping force is determined by the size of the mold. The high pressure required for a large mold is 80~90 PMa. While the high pressure required for small molds is 40~65 PMa. After the high pressure adjustment of the mold clamping, the switch mold is adjusted to the normal speed. Then adjust the low pressure time, distance, pressure, and speed. It is important to work at low pressure during normal production. The cause of mold damage is the incomplete low pressure work.

D. To clean the material tube, we should remove the materials and impurities of other colors in the material tube. Then, reduce the injection pressure, holding pressure, injection time and pressure holding time. Reduce the pressure to 50PMa and increase it later according to the product condition. Adjust to the required pressure. And compare the low an medium pressure forming condition samples with the high pressure ones to analyze the flow channel mode.

E. Try the mold manually before testing the mold to confirm whether the demolding action is smooth and whether it can return to its original position. And spray the mold release agent to the master mold when the mold is ejected. Then adjust the position of the demolding mode after forming.

2. Key points for mold test

A. Check the mold as soon as the machine is opened. And check whether all the mechanisms of the mold are smooth. If some problems occur, stop the mold test immediately to avoid the serious situation. If there is no problem and perform the reciprocating action several more times, then proceed to the next action.

B. Before the injection action, confirm the mold clamping force. The first mold product can only be shot to 80% of the full mold. If no problems, test with normal conditions to confirm that the sample meets the customer’s standard. And then perform the next action — high and low pressure test. Under normal conditions, analyze the mold with the situation that high pressure is 20PMa higher and low pressure is 10 PMa lower. Please remember that all actions must be started with low pressure and low band.

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